Royal Leamington Spa, Jephson Gardens

I was commissioned by Warwick District Council to make carvings in Jephson Gardens. A huge beech tree infected by a Giganteus fungus which had weakened the root was taken down and I converted it into various sculptures and carvings.


In the past decade I have undertaken a range of commissions based on interpreting Dragon themes…from work in Public Parks, Museum gardens, private homes , schools and libraries.


I have been asked to create works that are designed to remember, celebrate or commemorate people who have died. These are sensitive pieces that are made in close collaboration with loved ones and friends.


My work with schools is usually based around designing and making site specific sculpture with practical participation and design work with the children linking to various curriculum areas. Eg Art and Design, Science and Technology. I have worked with all age groups from early years to year 12.
My work with young people ( aged 16-19 ) has included mentoring and skills development as part of Arts Award Gold ( accreditation level 3)

Chelsea Flower Show

I made the Tolkienesque Ent , which was part of Birmingham City Council’s entry that won GOLD at Chelsea Flower Show.  Thrilled  to be part of such a prestigious project …. ‘Enlightenment’ celebrating Birmingham’s new library.

Portraits & Faces

Here is a collection some of which are portraits, in other words they are made to look like someone particular.
Faces are not necessarily meant to look like anyone and may be just made up as a human head shape with features. Some of these are commissions and some my own

Parks and tree carvings

Much of my work is in parks and gardens.
Carvings in trees or from trees that are felled or from pieces brought in from elsewhere make a natural feature in environment and landscape.

New Lodge Windsor

In 2009 I was commissioned to carve a huge oak that would have been part of the Royal Estate in centuries gone by.
The tree  collapsed  due to rot in one of the main branches and I was privileged to be able to convert the remains of it into a carved piece of work that was sensitive to the history of the tree and to it’s setting.  Over a period of 6 months the 20 foot tall trunk was transformed using the stories and ideas from the estates history i.e. nymphs and animals living in the grounds.


I enjoy making furniture from large pieces of wood in their natural forms or interlocking shapes to make unique pieces as tables or chairs and benches.